Please contact Harland (HarlandK) or Seth (4plum) on Discord to purchase this item, it cannot be done automatically via our store. Our DMs are open just make sure you are a part of one of the Clone Wars Discord
Create your own character in the Jedi Order by creating your own personalized Jedi only playable by yourself. Pick your Jedi Path, model, name & privileges/ship.
You can create your own Jedi Character that will have all the same privileges/clearance levels as the Jedi Generals.
In order to purchase you must speak to Harlandk, here are the things you will need to decide for your model.
- Name - Name your character
- Description - The Description seen in the F4 Menu
- Custom Model created for you (read below for more info) | A Workshop Model can also be used
- Which ship would you like - Pick from the Jedi fleet of Ships
Please remember we reserve the right to reject any proposals. We will only ask for payment once you have agreed on the type of Jedi you would like and we have accepted the proposal.
⚡Have your Model Idea created by our modelling Team.⚡
Each Custom Jedi General can have its model created. The majority of custom Jedi holders have a custom model crafted by our modelling team. This is very straightforward & easy, you don't need to do any of the difficult work you can leave this to us. We will ask you some questions about your idea & then come up with a draft which we can tweak to your desires.
Please contact Harland or Seth on Discord via the Clone Wars Discord to take advantage of this or if you have any other questions.
⚡Examples of Custom Models made by our modeller team.⚡

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