Below is a list of our payment methods, you will be able to checkout once you add a package or item to your cart on our store above.
We operate using Tebex Checkout because it provides our customers with a smart, user-friendly payment experience that ensures the highest level of checkout security & ease. We support over 60+ payment methods as a result. We operate globally in all regions North America, Europe, the Middle East, the Mediterranean & Africa.
We accept the following payment methods:
Contact Harland #0001 on our Discord my DMs are always open:
Purchases to the server for classes and packages are NON-refundable, you agree to disallow any refund regardless of the scenario. If you disagree with this term, do not purchase. You agree that your purchase will be available immediately and that you waive your statutory right of withdrawal.
All Products are received as intangible merchandise. These are delivered electronically and immediately. No shipping or postal information is required on either the buyer's or seller's side. If you do not receive your merchandise electronically please contact us immediately.
Purchases are not transferable. This is applied in the cases of the purchaser wanting to move his Star Wars VIP to SCP-RP (But not limited to) as an example, this applies to all gamemodes and servers. You cannot transfer your VIP to another account if you were banned or wished to do so in any other circumstances; purchases are permanent to your Account for life.
This also applies to all Rust Servers.
If you have agreed to the terms and purchased, following the case of opening a dispute towards our agreement will directly be sent to Tebex Checkout and our full involvement will be attended in preventing unauthorized "cashback" transaction crimes against ourselves. We will use the full extent of the law to prosecute and send compelling evidence as requested by PayPal to fight illegitimate chargebacks and fraud. You agree that your purchase will be available immediately and that you waive your statutory right of withdrawal.
All information supplied to us before, during, and after the transaction is securely protected under the Data Protection Act 1998. The payment gateway (PayPal & Stripe and its gateway options respectively) which handles your transaction will handle all financial data securely. We store no data other than that which you provide to us via E-Mail or user identification (Such as your RP-Name and Steam ID/Steam Profile link)
Feel free to contact us at for any further inquiries or questions.
Feel free to add the Founder on Steam for further questions or support, I am happy to help.
Founders Steam:
Thank you,
Harland Kearney, Community Founder,
Contact Harland #0001 on our Discord my DMs are always open:
TEBEX CHECKOUT TERMS OF SERVICE: We use Tebex Checkout for payments done via this store, read their own clauses above.